Dr. Nicole Ross Dr. Nicole Ross

Accepting Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior

What does it truly mean to accept Jesus into your life? How does this decision shape your journey of faith and the way you navigate the world around you? Let's delve into the essence of embracing Jesus as your Lord and Savior. At the core of Christianity lies the concept of salvation. It's the belief that through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, humanity can be redeemed from sin and reconciled with God. This act of divine grace offers believers forgiveness, eternal life, and a restored relationship with their Creator.

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Dr. Nicole Ross Dr. Nicole Ross

The Goodness of God

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, it's easy to lose sight of goodness. Yet, amidst the chaos, there exists a constant beacon of hope and love – the goodness of God. Regardless of our circumstances, His goodness shines brightly, offering solace, strength, and guidance. In this blog, we delve into the profound depths of God's goodness and explore how it manifests in our lives, illuminating even the darkest of paths.

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Dr. Nicole Ross Dr. Nicole Ross

Words Matter

One thing that people have to understand is that Words Matter. I’d like to share a few scriptures to back this up so you can gain insight on why the words you speak are so important!

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Dr. Nicole Ross Dr. Nicole Ross

Walk by Faith

Walking by faith involves having trust and confidence in a higher power, typically God. It means relying on God's guidance and provision rather than relying solely on one's own understanding or human reasoning.

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Dr. Nicole Ross Dr. Nicole Ross

Embracing the Profound Goodness of God in Everyday Life

In a world that often seems filled with challenges and uncertainties, the concept of embracing the goodness of God offers a powerful source of hope, strength, and divine connection. In this blog post, we will explore practical ways to cultivate a deeper awareness and appreciation for the profound goodness of God in our daily lives.

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Dr. Nicole Ross Dr. Nicole Ross

Put God First

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. Amidst our responsibilities, goals, and challenges, there exists a steadfast anchor waiting to guide us – the unwavering presence of God. This blog serves as a gentle reminder to recenter ourselves and consciously put God first in everything we do.

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Dr. Nicole Ross Dr. Nicole Ross

Trusting in the Unfailing Ways of God

In the journey of life, we encounter moments of triumph and adversity, joy and sorrow, success and failure. Through it all, one constant remains: the unwavering presence of God. When faced with challenges, uncertainties, or setbacks, it's crucial to remember that God never fails. His promises are steadfast, and His love endures through every circumstance.

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